August is Summer Sun Safety Month
Have Safe Summer Fun in the Sun this Summer
Summer Sun Safety Month is observed as a reminder to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy in the sun during the summer. Celebrate with us by learning how to keep your children safe while being exposed to more UV Rays from the Sun.
Safely enjoy your summer
As great as kid-friendly summer activities such as making sandcastles on the beach, summer camp, boating, swimming, and more are, they also expose you to UV rays. The summers are growing hotter, and the sun itself is feeling stronger. It’s up to you to protect yourself and your family!
It’s a matter of weighing the risks and benefits over the summer. Spending time outside being physically active can help reduce stress and get more vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and reduce inflammation. Too much, however, can be harmful.
Most skin cancers are formed after too much UV light exposure, as it damages skin cells. Follow our tips below to avoid this!
Manage your exposure while enjoying the summer sun
You can still enjoy the summer sun and stay safe. There are simple steps that you can take at home to manage the effects of UV rays. Below are simple tips to help you this summer:
Be aware of when the sun is at its’ strongest
Wear a strong SPF
Protective clothing
What You Need to Know About Sun Safety
Just as you would with any disease, follow the CDC’s guidelines for staying safe in the sun. Learn more in this video: