April is Stress Awareness Month
Why is Stress Month So Important?
Stress can be debilitating, and it can cause and/or aggravate health problems. Every April, healthcare professionals from across the country join forces to increase public awareness about not only the causes, but also the treatments for the growing stress epidemic in our country.
Three Types of Stress
Stress does not merely afflict your mind; it can also affect you on a cellular level. In fact, long-term stress can lead to a wide range of illnesses—from headaches to stomach disorders to depression—and can even increase the risk of serious conditions like stroke and heart disease. Understanding the mind/stress/health connection can help you better manage stress and improve your health and well-being.

Ways to Help Manage Stress
Even 20-30 minutes a day of walking is a great stress reliever and a good way to get your mind off your daily worries. Exercise has many healthy benefits.
Learn to incorporate some relaxation techniques into your daily life. Meditation, journaling, yoga and breathing exercises are just a few ways to help relax.
Have Fun
Spending quality time with family and friends, or simply watching your favorite sit-com can often be just the distraction you need.
Visit Your Doctor
Your family doctor is in the best position to get your started on the path to a stress-free lifestyle. Make an appointment today.
Eat Well
The gut and brain are constantly sending signals to each other, so by keeping your microbiota (the bacteria in your gut) healthy, your brain feels less stressed.
Sleep & Rest
To relieve stress before bed, try some relaxation techniques and disconnect from technology as much as possible an hour before bedtime.
Combat Your Stress
If you suffer from chronic stress and can’t influence or change the situation, then you’ll need to change your approach. Be willing to be flexible. Remember, you have the ability to choose your response to stressors, and you may have to try various options.