Mar 27, 2018 | Eburg Slider, Highland slider, Naches, Slider, Yakima Clinic Slider, YPA Slider
Looking for a better approach to healthcare? Watch this video about the patient Centered Medical Home What is A Medical Home? A medical home is an approach to providing total health care. With your medical home, you will join a team that includes...
Nov 15, 2017 | News, Slider
Population health is a patient centered program that will provide four wrap around services to patients including: Care Coordination –The Care Coordinator nurses in each clinic will engage the patient and help them explore and create a personalized plan of care...
May 9, 2017 | Behavioral Health, BH Special Projects, Slider, Yakima Clinic Slider
Primary Care Behavioral Health Primary Care Behavioral Health About Videos Training Programs Predoctoral Internship Postdoctoral Fellowship Providers Learn to Thrive Not Just Survive Wellness Group 1st Tuesday of Every Month from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. How do I join?...
Dec 18, 2016 | Slider, Yakima Clinic Slider
The CWFM Clinic in Yakima has now completed it’s major expansion and remodel project. The remodel began in September of 2015, and finished late this fall. When the Community Health of Central Washington corporate offices moved to a different location, there was...