“Live Better”   messages from the BHC team at...
August Is National Immunization Month

August Is National Immunization Month

  August is National Immunization month. It’s about time to start thinking about getting an immunization. Adult’s with children’s Its time to beat the back to school rush immunization. Immunization among all populations in the United States is...
Amelia McClelland, M.Ed

Amelia McClelland, M.Ed

Education: Amelia completed her undergraduate training at Gonzaga University in Spokane Washington before spending 2 years teaching outdoor environmental education to 5th and 6th graders. She went on to do her graduate training at the University of Utah School...

Instagram Test Page

Want to limit your tween's smartphone use this summer? There's an app for that Re-shared from the Chicago Tribune| ⠀ ⠀ Nara Nayar has a modern-day superpower: She can shut down apps on her 12-year-old son’s phone remotely, without arguing or cajoling.⠀ Nayar and her...
High Blood Pressure Awareness month

High Blood Pressure Awareness month

This month is High Blood Pressure Awareness month.  Bridgett Beachy, PsyD, shares some helpful tips and suggestions for healthy blood pressure and goal setting.     What You Can Do to Reduce Your Blood Pressure:   • Get your blood pressure checked by...