Mike Maples, CEO

I can be hard to satisfy.  It wasn’t enough that 257 employees (84% of you!) took the time to complete the Employee Engagement Survey this summer.  It wasn’t enough that you filled 63 pages with narrative comments with your responses.  Next, I asked your Leaders to meet with you and review those responses to get to a clear understanding, and to hear suggested solutions.

I now have 25 reports from focus groups that Leaders asked staff to participate in. If you joined one of those meetings, Thank You!  I’m finally satisfied.  Not only did you add clarity to the feedback, you made solid suggestions and described what success would look like.


From all of those inputs, seven areas of concern emerged:

  • Culture
  • People
  • Growth and Learning
  • Wages, Benefits & Resources
  • Communication & Transparency
  • Evaluation & Recognition
  • Senior Leader visibility and access

On October 11 & 12, all 50 CHCW Leaders met for a day and a half at the Leadership Development Institute to respond to your concerns.  Here are some of the program and projects underway as a result:

  • Leaders committed to maintain the effort in new programs that have garnered high marks from employees, including

        a. Monthly Rounding on Employees, and maintaining Stoplight Reports of issues raised by staff to help track action

        b. Thank You notes and appreciation

  • Investment in orientation and training

       a. Bringing programs and training on site

       b. Sending staff out for needed training

  • Implementing new tools and training to improve Leaders’ ability to provide timely and meaningful feedback and direction.
  • Leader training to fairly administer policies and programs for paid (and unpaid) leave from work


  • Communication improvement by focusing on sharing information and improving representation in decision making.

        a. This action also includes making sure that you have access to Leaders

            for your meetings and decisions

  • Creating aligned and objective performance metrics for all employees (Leader Evaluation Manager)


Believe me when I say: If there is any information that you need or want that you’re not getting, just ask.  Maybe we worry about pushing out too much information in this era of overload.  Don’t mistake that for secrecy.  There may be information that is protected (by law, for patient and employee privacy) but there are no secrets.  I want any concern about “transparency” to disappear.  And if you need to come to me, or need me to come to you, all you need to do is ask. If you don’t believe that, show me an employee who has ever been denied.


Mike Maples, MD