Connect Resources

SAMHSA aims to increase public awareness surrounding mental health and addiction recovery.

The Kittitas County Health Network is a non-profit with a mission to improve population health through cross-sector collaboration and systems integration.

To develop a recovery community with barrier free access to the recovery support, care, and resources needed to achieve long-term recovery, and the ability to become integral members of our community.

National Harm Reduction Coalition creates spaces for dialogue and action that help heal the harms caused by racialized drug policies.

24-hour help for substance abuse, problem gambling & Mental health

Helping individuals and communities in Washington State respond to prevent opioid overdose

Overdose Awareness Day 2024
International Overdose Awareness Day is a day to remember those we’ve lost to overdose and to educate the public about overdose prevention and response.
This year’s theme, “Together We Can,” highlights the strength of coming together and standing in support of those connected to the tragedy of overdose.

Need handouts for your Overdose Day event? We’ve got you covered.
We have handouts on:
- Overdose response
- Fentanyl
- Methamphetamine
- Medications for opioid use disorder
- Youth Overdose Education
- and more.
Print: Our handouts are easy to download and print.
Order: You can order printed materials through the ADAI Clearinghouse, Email us if you have questions or to request the printer files to professionally print larger quantities, Please place any orders by August 9.

Although fentanyl has received more attention, methamphetamine-involved deaths continue to climb in Washington State. In 2023, stimulants were involved in 53% of overdose deaths (1,607 out of 2,907).
This handout explains the signs and symptoms of methamphetamine overdose and when people need help. Available in a short and long version, and in English and Spanish.

Medications for opioid use disorder can cut someone’s chance of dying in half, reduce craving and withdrawal, and promote recovery.
Learn about the three FDA-approved medications to treat opioid use disorder with this brochure. Available in English and Spanish.
Want to learn more?
CEDEER Homepage | Research and real-world experiences to respond to substance use.
StopOverdose | Helping WA communities respond to and prevent opioid overdose.
LearnAboutTreatment | Resources to learn more about opioid and stimulant treatment.
ADAI Bulletin Newsletter | News, events, & resources for substance use professionals.
WA State Opioid/Major Drug Interactive Data | Interactive charts and maps.
Publications & Reports | Find publications by keyword, topic, or author.