Dr. Ryan Moultray

Please welcome Dr Ryan Moultray to Community Health of Central Washington as the newest member of our Physician Team. Dr Ryan Moultray will take on the role of a Physician.

Education: BS Zoology UW
Doctor Osteopathic Med Midwestern University

Experience: Family practice at Selah Family Medicine 2005-2015 Missionary doctor Honduras 2016-2019

Hobbies: I enjoy hunting, fishing, ultimate frisbee, travel, and Spanish.

When Dr Moultray was asked “Why do you want to work for CHCW?” He replied. “to be part of a team dedicated to serving the underserved, and training compassionate, competent doctors.”

Ryan aspires to …

“honor God, my wife, my children, and my friends and patients, with my talents, efforts and empathy.”