CHCW implements electronic health records
How does this benefit you?
- Your healthcare team will know at the time of your visit what tests or screenings you are due for based on your age, health and gender
- We can run reports when you aren’t in the office, to let us know what you may be due for so we can notify you
- We can track referrals, labs and other tests to be sure that you received the care you needed and we received the report
- You will be able to use the Patient Portal to check your labs, request appointments and look at what services you are due for
What can I expect?
- At each visit the nurse will spend more time with you to review your healthcare needs and schedule routine preventive services that are needed
- At the end of each visit, you will receive a summary of what occurred with a list of your medicines and plans for future tests, appointments, etc.
We’re excited about what this system does to help us provide you with better care according to all the newest guidelines and in an efficient manner. Your provider will be able to spend the visit talking to you about what is important to you rather than searching through your chart for information or trying to remember what preventive services you may be due for.