April is National Facial Protection Month
Athletes who don’t wear mouth guards are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth
Additionally, wearing a helmet can save your life and prevent devastating physical damage in a variety of situations, from playing football to riding a bicycle. Helmets reduce the risk of various head injuries by as much as 85 percent. Sports-related injuries are the leading cause of emergency room visits in children ages 12 to 17 according to the Center for Disease Control. Whatever your sport, the right protective gear can save your teeth, your face, and even your life.
Preventing Dental Injuries
A mouthguard can protect you against a variety of dental injuries, such as cracked, broken, or knocked-out teeth. The American Dental Association states that mouthguards play an essential role in preventing up to 200,000 dental injuries each year, and many states mandate their use for sports activities. Always have a fresh mouthguard fitted for each new sports season. We provide professional quality mouthgards perfect sized for you or your child(ren), just give us a call!
Choose the right combination of helmet, faceguard, and mouthguard to protect your teeth and face, and tell your friends to do the same!
5 Sports Safety Tips
Five of the nation’s top dental associations want to remind everyone to play it safe during recreational and organized sports to help prevent serious, painful facial injuries that can take the fun out of the game. Take five, and take in these five simple safety tips:
Mouth Guards are a Must
Support Mandatory Protective Gear
Helmets are always Helpful
Face Shields Save Skin…and more
Have 20/20 Vision with Protective Eyewear
Better Dentistry is Our Mission
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