Group Pregnancy Care
A better way to get prenatal care
Group Pregnancy Care is prenatal care that includes an individual health check-up with additional time and attention in a group setting. You’ll meet with your healthcare provider and other women who are due near the same time for 10 sessions during your pregnancy.
How It Works
Group Pregnancy prenatal care follows the recommended schedule of 10 prenatal visits, but each visit is 90 minutes to two hours long – giving women 10x more time with their provider. Moms engage in their care by taking their own weight and blood pressure and recording their own health data with private time with their provider for belly check. Once health assessments are complete, the provider and support staff “circle-up” with moms and support people. They lead facilitative discussion and interactive activities designed to address important and timely health topics while leaving room to discuss what is important to the group. Group Pregnancy Care materi-als help moms and providers ensure that everything from nutrition, common discomforts, stress manage-ment, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and infant care are covered in group.
Group Pregnancy Care brings 8-10 women all due at the same time together for their care. Providing care in this way allows moms and providers to relax and get to know each other on a much deeper and meaningful level. Members of the group form lasting friendships and are connected in ways not possible in traditional care.
Benefits of Group Pregnancy Care
- learn more about pregnancy
- be better prepared for birth
- be better prepared to care for your baby
- participate more in your healthcare
- have more time with your provider
Proven Results
- 96-97% of women surveyed prefer receiving their prenatal care in a group
- 33% less likely to have a preterm baby
- Higher breast feeding rates
Contact Information:
Central Washington Family Medicine
Phone: 509-452-4520
Address: 1806 W Lincoln Ave Yakima WA 98902
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Group Pregnancy Care moms are better prepared for labor, delivery, and to care for their infant. Practices report fewer after-hours calls and emergency visits from Group Pregnancy Care moms because they better understand what is normal during pregnancy and what is cause for concern. More time with your provider Moms in Group Pregnancy Care spend 10x more time with their provider than women in traditional care.
Support & Friendship
Women enjoy being with other women who are going through a similar experience, giving them an opportunity to support each other. Group Pregnancy Care moms create lasting friendships and are wonderful resources to one another during a very exciting but also stressful time in their lives.
Learning & Fun
The most common word used to describe Group Pregnancy Care is fun! Group Pregnancy Care is based on the proven principle that when people are actively engaged and involved in a discussion with their peers, rather than being lectured or given a pamphlet, they will have greater understanding and are more likely to change their behavior. “The care that I received and the support system I now have are so crucial to my motherhood and the decisions I make in my daughter’s life.” -Group Pregnancy Care Mom
Comments from moms and team leaders:
“Our First Centering group was a huge success! The girls biggest regret was that it’s over and they are super bummed that they won’t be coming in for appts together anymore. They formed friendships, are talking about having a professional photo taken of their little bundles together, and even discussed follow up photo at 1 year.” -Team Leader
“I love coming to the group visits” -Group Pregnancy Care Mom
“Have more visits, I don’t want them to end” -Group Pregnancy Care Mom
“There was lots of discussion between the patients at the last visit about taking group photos of their babies when they get older, the bonding and support they felt with each other was clear. While visiting with one of the girls in clinic recently she talked about “play dates” she had scheduled with girls from the group.” -Team Leader
Una mejor manera de obtener atención prenatal
Group Pregnancy Care es atención prenatal que incluye un control de salud individual junto con horas y atención adicionales en un entorno grupal. Usted se reunirá con su proveedor de atención de salud y otras mujeres que tienen fecha de parto alrededor de la misma fecha que usted en 10 sesiones durante su em-barazo. Group Pregnancy Care es una manera de compartir aprendizaje y experiencias con otras mujeres embarazadas y de participar en su propia atención.
Usted hará lo siguiente
• Aprenderea más sobre el embarazo
• Estará mejor preparada para el parto
• Estará mejor preparada para cuidar a su bebé
• Participará más tiempo con su proveedor
Más información
Un grupo de mujeres con fechas de parto similares se reúnen en sesiones regulares con su proveedor de atención de salud. El grupo se relaja y se divierte. Todas pueden compartir sus preguntas, recomenda-ciones y experiencias.
Las futuras madres se reúnen con otras mujeres embarazadas con fechas de parto cercanas a las de ellas y crean lazos que pueden durar toda la vida.
Cada consulta grupal dura alrededor de 2 horas con el proveedor de atención de salud que dirige la sesión. Programar con anticipación hace que sea más fácil la planificación del trabajo y del cuidado infantil.
Resultados comprobados
• Entre un 96 y 97% de las mujeres encuestadas prefieren recibir su atención prenatal en grupo
• Existe un 33% menos de probabilidades de dar a luz un bebé prematuro
• Hay mayores tasas de amamantamiento