We understand children may need urgent care outside of our regular business hours.
A doctor or nurse is always on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Telephone Access Call 509-575-0114
Our nursing team is here to help you with questions you may have.
After hours, we have a nurse consult service. When you call our phone number, you will be connected to them. This service, like our office, is staffed with pediatric nurses that follow the same recommendations that our clinic follows. We expect that you will find this service very helpful and informative.

During Office Hours
During regular office hours, Please feel free to call with questions you may have about routine care for your child, feeding and nutrition concerns, questions about growth, development or behavior. Our staff will make recommendations to you, document your questions and their advice.
If they feel a need to consult with your physician, they will do so and then get back to you with further information.
Sometimes, parents question whether their child’s illness requires a visit to the pediatrician. Our nurses can help you to assess your child’s illness on the phone and discuss the best course of action.

Health Information Page
We are in the process of creating a Health Information Page with frequently asked questions on Pediatric health. This will be available on our website.
You may also ask these types of questions via your MyChart account. If you have a portal account,please log into your account and you may send a message with non-urgent questions to your provider. Our nursing staff will review the question and respond to it within 24 hours. It is quite common for our nurses to need to ask further questions for clarification, so please always include your phone number in your message.