Kyle Howard, DMD
Dentist at Ellensburg Dental
Kyle’s History

B.S. in Biology from Brigham Young University D.M.D. from Roseman University of Health Sciences
I am newly graduated from dental school and eager to learn more! I enjoyed vol-unteer and service opportunities in dental school, such as participating in our Give Kids a Smile program, Give Utahns a Smile program for refugees in need, and serving the community through toy drives for the Children’s Justice Center and volunteering at homeless shelters.
I enjoy skiing in the winter time and golfing whenever I can’t ski! I like traveling with my wife and our two daughters whenever time allows. We have travelled all over the world, but our most loved destination is Disneyland. We also love going to sporting events, and we are looking forward to attending collegiate games in Ellensburg (Go Wildcats!). I am a foodie and love trying new foods and restau-rants, and am always looing for recommendations.
I Aspire to..:
Help others with their oral problems in order to get them back to proper health, and to grow personally and profession-ally to continue to better assist my patient base become as healthy as they can holistically.
Why do you want to work for CHCW?:
Throughout my life I have always taken the time to serve other people. Before my undergrad I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint in Samoa. There, I enjoyed participating in service projects to help those in need, and in turn learned more about their lives and culture. I also participated in many service projects during my un-dergrad including translating literature from English to Samoan, volunteering at local retirement communities to help with activities for the seniors, and serving at the local food coalition. I had the opportunity to return to Samoa in 2018 and participate in a mobile clinic where we would check elementary age children’s hearts for rheumatic heart disease. It was nice to give back to a community that had done so much for me during my mission. Similarly, I have been grateful for the help that the NHSC Scholarship has given me during dental school. I am looking forward to paying it forward by serving my community and specifically helping those who are low SES and are unable to afford treatment elsewhere, and individuals who need our help in order to improve their oral health and overall lives