More than 1 in 7 adults in the U.S. are estimated to have chronic kidney disease

Kidney disease is a common and under-detected disease that can be very harmful to older adults. As many as 90% of Americans who have chronic kidney disease (CKD) don’t know they have the disease until it is very advanced. This kidney national month, learn how you can detect chronic kidney disease early.

Why do we need our kidneys?

Kidneys are small, life-sustaining organs that are found in the abdomen. Most people have two kidneys, however, you can live healthily with just one. Their main job is to cleanse the blood of toxins and transform the waste into urine. 

According to recent estimates from Johns Hopkins University researchers, more than 50 percent of seniors over the age of 75 are believed to have kidney disease. Kidney disease has also been found to be more prevalent in those over the age of 60 when compared to the rest of the general population. As we age, so do our kidneys. If an older adult’s kidneys are losing functioning, their risk of developing other complications increases, which can greatly affect their health.

kidney disease facts

Facts About Kidney Disease

Kidney disease itself, as well as dialysis, is hard on the body of an older adult. Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure, which is fatal. To stay as healthy as you can later in life, be mindful of the signs of kidney disease.


What is kidney disease?

When the kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should, it’s referred to as chronic kidney disease.


Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure

When your kidneys fail, toxins will stay in your body and your blood will stop functioning as it needs to.


Kidney disease can lead to other health problems

Complications of kidney disease include nerve damage, stroke, anemia, heart attack, weak bones, and more.


Symptoms of kidney failure

Symptoms include swelling of the face, hands, abdomen, ankles, and feet, painful or bloody urination, increased thirst, and fatigue.


Risk factors of kidney disease

Risk factors include family history, high blood pressure, diabetes, and being over the age of 60.