Spread awareness and end the stigma around pediculosis

Pediculosis, or head lice, is a medical infestation in the hairy parts of the body. September is claimed as head lice awareness month by the National Pediculosis Association (NPA), to inform communities about the importance of routine screening, early detection, and the safest possible approach to managing the infection.

How can you detect lice?

As the back-to-school season begins, head lice is another infection to be aware of. Prepare yourself with this knowledge and resources for monitoring your child for lice, and being prepared if they get infected.

The most common sign of head lice is itching on the scalp, neck, and ears, due to an allergic reaction to louse bites. Itching may not begin until 4 to 6 weeks after infection. You also may be able to see lice, or lice eggs (nits) however, they’re small. In some cases, sores can develop on the scalp, neck, and shoulders.

Nits can be easily mistaken for other small particles in your child’s hair. When examining their scalp, be mindful that you’re not confusing one of the below items with a nit:


  • Dandruff
  • Residue from hair products
  • Beads of dead hair tissue on a hair shaft
  • Scabs, dirt, or other debris
  • Other small insects found in the hair
how to prevent head lice

Screen by Combing

The NPA recommends combing as a comprehensive approach to managing and screening pediculosis in children. They recommend seeing combing as another regular hygiene measure to keep up, just like hand washing, especially during the school year. This method is more cost-effective and safer than pesticide washes and ends infestations quicker, therefore keeping kids in school.

How to screen and manage head lice by combing:


Use the right tools

The NPA recommends using the LiceMeister® comb, as it is designed and constructed for reliable and thorough removal of head lice and their eggs (nits). They also recommend having a CritterCard on hand to properly identify what you find in your child’s head.

Separate sections of the hair

After you finish examining a section, twist the hair and clip it in its own section so you keep track of which section has been examined.

Clean the comb

Clean the comb tooth by tooth with the provided disposable tool, and boil the comb in water for a short time.

Examine the hair

As you comb through your child’s hair, you will see louse or nits either in their hair or on the comb clearly.

Use the comb on clean, damp, and untangled hair

Prior to combing with the LiceMeister comb, make sure your child’s hair is clean and damp with no knots so that it’s easy to examine. For thick hair, use a conditioner. Then, run a detangling comb through their hair before using the LiceMeister®.

Comb to monitor for louse or nits

Divide and clip the hair into sections. Taking a small amount of hair at a time, place the comb against the scalp pulling the comb completely through that section of hair from root to the end. Dip the comb in water or wipe it with a wet paper towel between passes.

Dispose of nits and louse

Keep an enclosed bag around to dispose of any louse or nits you find. If you find a nit, snip it out with safety scissors. If you find lice, dispose of it safely and quickly.